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I believe in transforming online presence into social media success. Elevate your organization, project, or brand with expert social media management.

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Tiffani Jones

I'm an opinion writer, o.g. blogger, up-and-coming YouTuber, and pop culture critic. My work has gone viral once or twice, most notably my 2012 blog post about the controversial casting of the film "Nina" (2016). In the past, I've been mentioned in the New York Times, offered commentary on HuffPost Live, and I've also faced criticism from TV critics for daring to write about colorism in the film industry. Needless to say, I know a thing, two, or three about this social media thing, have been immersed long enough to see its evolution, and am the silent doer of noteworthy things. I specialize in social media and work with nonprofits, community action agencies, small businesses, and anyone else looking for social media guidance.

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